If you are in the UK, here's how to find the cheapest fuel prices in your area. The website PetrolPrices.com is a great FREE service which tells you the cheapest five filling stations in a 5/10/15/20 (you choose) mile radius of a given postcode. If you sign up, also FREE, they will email you the latest prices weekly just so you can check you are getting the best deal. How does it all work? Well, they purchase data from the fuel card companies which gives date/time of the transaction, the filling station identity and the price. Sorted.
Another fuel-related tip. You'd have thought that I would be the first to use "pay at pump", but no.... I have tried it twice in recent months and the filling stations concerned have a limit on the amount a card with authorise via "pay at pump". This is often £50 or £60, and when I go to fill up, I need about £75 worth. Still, at least I get 50mpg on a long run out of my car, so who's complaining?